- Category: Acting
- Location: Summerlin/Southwest
- Age Group: Professional Series: Musical Theater Program Bravo (No Experience Necessary)
- Day: Mon
- Time: 05:00 pm
- Length: 3 hour(s)
- Teachers: Mary, Marcia, McKenna
- Monthly Tuition: $297.00
- Remind Code: --Not Set--
Broadway Kids Academy is proud to offer our 12-13 yr. olds the "BRAVO MUSICAL THEATER" class. In this PROFESSIONAL SERIES class our performers study singing, dancing, and acting for the stage, specializing in Musical Theater. They also develop character skills such as hard work, self-discipline, and team spirit and they learn audition techniques as well. This course is designed to help our students prepare for professional experiences. They perform in two big shows during the school year. They may also perform in the community as ambassadors for BKA. This class is so exciting and fun. Space is Limited. Early registration is recommended.